Tuesday, May 1, 2012


So here we are in the land of bloggers.   This has been something I've thought about doing for some time but just never was able to convince myself I should do this.  I really don't have many expectations for this site, in fact at some point real life will probably get in the way and this may have to go to the back burner.  I hope not but I can't promise it won't.   Writing is an outlet for me, and it will be nice to have a single place to put some of the things I write.  Quite honestly I'm doing this for myself, hopefully others will see a reason to share.

Ground  Rules

Mostly I will write about Hope College basketball, the MIAA and D3.  Being that its May 1 as I write this, there isn't much to talk about at the moment, however I do have some things in mind for these off months including a look back at the season, a look ahead, schedule releases.  Things like that.

I have to be honest though, living in Lansing is not easy to get to the games I want to see.  Its taken quit a bit more commitment, money and loss of sleep than I really wish to continue.  Some things might have to change, but I'll cross that bridge when we get there in November.   Then of course there's real life, the iceberg I know is out there somewhere in the fog.

As you can see things are a little rough looking around these parts, bear with me while I tweak some things and settle on something I like.  This is all pretty new to me.  Also my spelling and grammar can be atrocious depending on the amount of sleep I've had, so tough it out.

Speaking of Alaska?

For the group of people I watch basketball with the most the term 'Speaking of Alaska' really means an abrupt change in topic.   My memory is not very good on who said it or under exactly what circumstances.  We were talking about something and then someone broke into the conversation by saying  "speaking of Alaska" and ever since its been kind of a joking way to lighten the mood and change the conversation.  For the blog, I guess it gives free reign to change the topic, which I probably will do from time to time.

Am I leaving the D3hoops.com message boards (a.k.a Sac)?

 No.  I'll still participate, though I imagine if I'm writing here I probably won't duplicate that content somewhere else.   I've tried to quit many times but damned if I don't get drawn back in every year.  So I think I'll just quit trying to quit.  In short, I'll still be around.

Coming soon a look back at the Dutchmen's 2012 season.

off we go.........

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